Friday, May 1, 2009

Stage Four, Schmage Four!

Like the Energizer Bunny, my terminally ill Extensive Stage Four SCLC patient continues to amaze me and most of the modern medical world with his drive to work, to live, and to go on as he always has.

He's got cancer consuming most of his left lung, his L1 vertibra, his left acetabulum (hip joint),
his lymph nodes and adrenal glands. He's had 15 radiation treatments and 3 chemos, but he's mostly concerned with being able to work. He says he isn't sick enough to quit working yet, and I guess he, above all, would know about that.

On Sunday, he leaves for a four-night cruise to the Bahamas! Hair fallout remains tentatively scheduled for May 5th. Only time will tell if that prediction turns out to be true.

Bad days are frustrating. The Ex hates being non-productive, which is how he views rest, especially when the need for rest is thrust upon him during working hours.

He doesn't have TIME for cancer, and it really pisses him off when cancer robs him of his precious energy, which he needs to maintain his particular schedule of things to do, places to go, and issues to complain about -- government, politics and ignorant people who do dumb things with office equipment.

On a recent bad day, The Ex dragged his exhausted bunny-butt off the couch, took a shower and dressed, and announced that he'd like to go to Office Depot to return a computer. After that, he wanted to go find a case of some kind to carry all his meds for the cruise, and after that, he wanted to get some new sandals.

I didn't really want to go shopping, but he asked me to come, and I went -- dutiful care-giver that I am.

He wasn't able to stand the whole time we waited to see if Office Depot would honor a promise to match or beat other ads. Turns out, they didn't, so we returned the computer and headed back for the car. Once we got in the car, The Ex was ready to go home.

I didn't let him, though. Hey! I didn't shower and dress just to go to Office Depot! I could've schlepped in there wearing my usual home-working attire... comfy shorts and a 2x tee. No, I showered and dressed for the outlet mall -- changed my underwear, put on a bra and everything, and by golly, I was not letting him out of it!

The outlet mall was mostly deserted, as it should be, I guess, in this economy. We found a parking space just outside the luggage store and found a 14" rolling toiletries bag that is almost perfect for the cruise. (A perfect bag would've also included a lock, but we can rig up something before he goes).

As luck would have it, right next door was a Hushpuppy store, and we were able to find some sandals that fit. Good thing I was there. The Ex nearly bought sandals an entire size too big -- a full inch off his big toe, and another 3/4 inch from the heel. I can just see him, tripping everywhere he goes. Energizer Bunnies, especially Energizer Bunnies with cancer, won't get far if they trip on every other hop!

Though our trip out for errands was a quick one, The Ex felt good that cancer hadn't robbed him of another whole day. He pushed himself, and I guess I pushed a little, too. And together, we ruled -- NOT CANCER -- and we got things done.

Last weekend, we attended my family reunion, where The Ex was treated warmly by all.

I must have the greatest (if not nuttiest) family in the whole world. It wasn't at all strange that I was attending my family reunion with my Ex while my husband stayed home. Nooooo, that's not strange! Who on earth would think that's unusual? :-) That's no more unusual than it was for some family reunionites to engineer a giant slingshot with which to fling sweet onions into the adjacent river, or when they sang that morosely jovial Irish folk song, "The Night that Paddy Murphy Died," around the campfire ... just your average daily fare for my kin.

My husband was frequently remembered by all, and The Ex appeared comfortable in the loving arms of his ex-in-laws. For once, he seemed happy to be among old friends and far from home with no to-do list.

Except for the one bad day, and some pretty bad blistering from the sun (chemo patients, BEWARE!), The Ex returned to his Energizer Bunny self for the remainder of the week. He's still out there each day, working, fixing office equipment, chugging along with his Stage Four body. Sometimes he comes home, takes his pain meds and naps briefly in the lounge chair, fully dressed.

But eventually, he pops up again and goes off to make yet another service call.

It seems like we've been going-going-going since we left for the reunion. A quick work week almost done, and now, he's off for the Bahamas, and I'm off to another trade show in Toronto.

You won't hear from us much while I'm away, but I'll be sure to save up some good stories for you for my next post sometime after May 11th.

Until then, we thank you for keeping my Stage Four Energizer Bunny Ex, and me, and my husband and family in your prayers, as you will be in mine.