Well, for the most part, in the immortal words of Jimmy Buffett, it was a perfectly lovely cruise. First to Freeport, Bahamas, then to Nassau, then back to Port Canaveral, FL on Thursday, May 7.
My son reports that The Ex was his usual miserly self, until he loosened up about the 2nd day
into the cruise, and was able to let go of this world's earthly bounds (money) and really live (i.e.; spend MONEY) to fully enjoy the trip.
After that, it was smooth sailing... just like LOVE BOAT for 3 straight bachelors.
This morning, however, was a different story. The Ex called to report that his best friend of 30 years, the youngest brother of an old girlfriend, the CRAZY FRIEND I told you all about, the one I virtually HIRED to be a caregiver in my absence... apparently DIED in his sleep this morning, the day after their cruise ended.
That's right. You heard (read) right. The CRAZY FRIEND DIED!!!
I KNOW! How ironic is that? For once, I'm beyond words.
I am still in Toronto with my husband. Today is our 5th anniversary, and today is the day The Ex's best friend -- who was not suffering cancer, but who may have had a toxic liver due to excessive drinking, and also suffered from sleep apnea, and who consumed massive quantities of bahamian liquor (1.75 ml) just last night.
The Ex found him around 10:45 this morning, on the floor in the guest room (my room!)... dead. "It looked like he just laid down and died," The Ex said.
Bless his heart, The Ex called me first, after calling 911. "I don't know what to do first," he said, as I tried to be the voice of reason, from 1600 miles away.
What do you say in a case like this? When all else fails, look first for the positive, and then for the humor. So first, thank goodness they had that cruise, which, ironically turned out to be for The Ex's friend and not for the Ex at all.
Second, The Ex says he is beginning to believe more in God everyday, and third, PRAISE GOD for a wonderful cruise. Perhaps the humor in all this will come to me later.
Bon Voyage, dear friend. Thank you for changing your schedule to attend to my dear Ex up to your very last day.
We'll see you on the other side real soon -- but not too soon. And please let it happen for The Ex as easily as it seems to have gone with you.
I'm still in Toronto, and my phone, computer and, I think, maybe my brain too, aren't working quite right. I'll post again (and welcome your replies and friend requests) when I can.
With warm regards to all, and thanks in advance for prayers.
oh, p.s. - The Ex's hair did NOT fall out on May 5th, and has not quite fallen out yet, tho it may be happening slowly, and not in clumps as we thought it would.