It's seems all the Ex's activity over the weekend -- grilling steaks and laundry, going to Sam's and the grocery -- caught up to him today.
He seemed especially tired and quiet, and more off balance than usual. His thinking is cloudy.
Says his butt muscles are sore... he has to go down two steps from the kitchen to get to the laundryroom, and then up two steps to the kitchen to get to the rest of the house. Seems odd this is making him sore, but I don't know. I've never lived with a dying cancer patient before.
And before you scold me for making this poor man do his laundry, let me tell you... when he's able, HE INSISTS. I have that attention deficit problem with laundry, and I've been known to put the detergent on the top instead of the bottom. He's got to be really sick to allow me to do his laundry. For the record, though, he only did his OWN laundry. I'm still stuck with doing mine myself. (darn!)
He is swollen, I think, in his face, his belly, and his feet. I told him that starting tomorrow, we need to start watching his salt intake, but I don't tell him how swollen he looks.
Speaking of megaphones, he found it useful this weekend for yelling in a whisper at the tv during football games, and for yelling in a whisper at the family dog, who herself (a 14-year-old dalmation) is probably profoundly deaf.
He's doing well at using his cane, but because of the foggy thinking, he walks with the cane to a room, and then forgets it and leaves it behind.
He finds an aluminum bowl on the counter, and doesn't remember how it got there, so he puts it away. (He forgot -- he'd been putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher).
As brain fogginess goes, we can live with this, as it makes him as spacey as I am -- finally we're on the same level!
He went to bed about 10, but keeps getting back up.
I ask, "What's keeping you up?" But he doesn't answer. He probably can't hear me. I didn't yell or use the megaphone, and his hearing aids are out for the night.
He's finally gone to sleep. I think I will too.
I hope tomorrow is a little better.
Thank you all again for your support and prayers. God bless all of you in your own struggles with The Big 'C'.