Monday, November 23, 2009

Son's computer emergency makes for a good day

Something bad happened to our son's computer -- it lost power while installing something, and then it wouldn't boot, wouldn't repair itself, couldn't restore, all restore points and the entire 'D' drive partition -- gone!

Luckily, we were able to boot it enough to get to a command prompt, and from there, we used command line prompts to copy Son's documents, favorites, cookies, etc., to an external harddrive, and then Ex bought a new laptop for Son to use while we get his laptop restored. (It's an Acer, and Son failed to create the restore disk -- so either we buy one and wait two weeks, or we send it back -- it's still under warranty).

In any event, Ex, Son and I all worked together today to get the Son off and running with his files and a working computer -- he has projects and finals due next week.

Ex used his hardware skills to pull the harddrive from the laptop, but we didn't have a 64-bit connection for it, so he put it back in the laptop and I used command line prompts to coax the files off the broken computer and on to the external drive, so Son could drive 2 hours back to school and get on with the business of higher education.

It was stressful, but it was fun too, with Ex and I working together again toward one goal -- making our Son happy and prepared to successfully complete his term. Ex is still a little weak from radiation treatment, but he is better every day.

I didn't get the house cleaned for our Thanksgiving/Birthday bash today. Too busy playing computer technician. But we still have two days to pull that off.

It was a good day, despite the computer emergency. In a way, that little mishap made today very enjoyable for all of us.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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