Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ex's Brain Radiation, Day 5 of 15

Today, Monday, is day 5 of 15 zaps of radiation. That seems wrong right there, but we started on a Tuesday.

So, when last we met, we had the visit of the Three Angels, and Dad, Son and Mom spent the weekend together. I wish I could say it was all copasetic, but it was more of a fluster cluck.

I can't go into all what happened this weekend because it distracts from our topic... Caring for Ex in Exville.

He didn't have much energy this weekend, but we accomplished what we could in short spurts. His balance is bad, but footing is better with shoes.

Radiation occurred according to schedule.

Balance is worse later in the day than in the morning. We are staying on top of sterioids to prevent/alleviate swelling around the tumor.

Tomorrow, there are three appointments for chemo doc check-in, radiation, and optomologist later in the day for glaucoma.

We'll keep ya'll posted.