Today was a better day than yesterday. We were ready for radiation an hour early due to an errant clock that has still not reset itself back to standard time.
We used the extra time to stop at the Post Office and the hearing aid place, and then arrived early at our radiation appointment, and The Ex was treated early, too. We were out of there before our 1 p.m. appointment even started!
We made a little progress on his efforts to go on short-term disability. He really wants to work,
and he has 21 years of experience that other technicians in the field NEED. There is a lot he can do without going from office to office and repairing copiers.
The Ex seems to be feeling better today. Less balance problems, less depression, good appetite, maybe a little more energy and a little more humor.
We went to an early bird dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. He said, "I'll just walk in like this... (wobbly walking) and fit right in with the old folks!"
More tomorrow.