Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dying stinks

I hate this. The house is dirty. The patient stinks. He's not mean today but that could change at any minute.

I'm grateful for hospice, but I am frankly sick of all this sickness.


  1. It's funny how feeling that the house is dirty can just foul up your mood! (Foul, get it?? House stinks??) Okay, maybe not so funny, but give it a chance!

    Anyway, a dirty house will grate on my nerves quicker than most things. Add that to the tremendous emotional burden you are already carrying and pretty soon you begin to dislike everyone and everything. Perfectly normal.

    Now, if I'm in your position - I'm cleaning. Scrubbing floors, bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, the whole nine yards. First, the activity is helping to take my mind off the real issue. Second, the activity is physically good for me. And third, I'll feel a tiny bit better when the house is clean.

    You my friend, are experiencing typical caregiver angst. Get outside for a few minutes. Breath in some fresh air. Take a walk around the block. Just find some way to clear your head, if only for a few minutes.

    Hugs and more hugs -


  2. I'm with Marie! Nothing pulls me down faster than a messy, dirty environment. Of course, it's not yours...but since you have to live there, it is affecting you. Marie is right------take a step back, go for a walk or a drive, and then start puttering, one room at a time. As for odors.....burn candles, spray the furniture with Febreze, spritz the ex with can help. A little humor here, too: don't clean with Lysol; if you do, it will end up smelling like a nursing home. Pine Sol is much better.
    But, yep, you are right, ETC----dying stinks, in more ways than one. One more piece of advice: draft Marty into the cleaning brigade!! Bet some of the mess and dirt was his before he went to school!!!!
    Love ya', girlfriend. Hang tough.


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