Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today sucked

Today's going down in this blog as one of the all-time worst. Ex's demeanor was meaner than ever, he's had a chip on his shoulder all day. He's got cancer, dammit, and he is mad!

He hasn't eaten, hasn't had much to drink. If he's awake, he's mad and if he's asleep, well... I guess he's not.

It didn't go well at chemo today. You can read about that over on inspire.com if you like. Another long one over there -- sorry about that.

My son's car was booted today, costing my entire amassed Christmas savings, so it looks like Christmas is gonna suck, too.

It's 120 degrees in the house tonight. The heat's not on, but, this is Florida. It's 76 outside, most of the windows are closed and the AC is off. Ex may be running a temperature... he's cold. His forehead doesn't feel hot to me, though.

I've tried to feed him several times today, but I think I'll stop. He's "fine," remember?

1 comment:

  1. ETC, your Inspire post made me cry for YOU. Know that you know that you are not the target of his anger. It is the cancer, and the helplessness, and the meds....and you are handling it the best way. Try to ignore the nastiness, instill humor when possible, and hold on tight, because the ride may get worse. But remember that you don't have to take abuse. You did that for too many years and you are stronger now. Walk away when you can, fight back when you can't.
    The email was a cool way to deal with the current situation, and his response shows that he is aware of his bad 'tude.
    LOL....love the image of dropping him off at the grocery! Worth a try!
    Sons' booting cost that much???? Tell that boy to get a job!
    Hang in there, girlfriend. Many prayers for you all.


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