Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today is much better

Ex seems to be feeling better today. I sent him an email, all the way from my desk to his about 20 feet away. Said "I know you are mad at your situation and not at me. I hope you feel better soon."

And he replied, "Thanks, I needed to hear that."

He is nesting, or perhaps un-nesting. Cleaning up his desk and getting papers in order, working through the things he needs to work through while he can work through them.

He moves slowly. All the muscle tone is gone from his former-linebacker legs. But he's moving, and he's getting things done.

The sun is finally out today. Maybe Ex would like me to drop him off at the grocery. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad today is better. Amazing how it is sometimes eaiser to "say" and to "hear" things via email.

    Mike has also lost all muscle tone. His legs, arms and butt are so skinny, but he has a barrel belly, most likely because there's a bunch of damn cancer there.


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